Maybe not your archetypal van, but the bNeubau/b Welt Vector set has these? CommentAuthorMarkuz; CommentTimeJul 12th 2007. How cool's that? I'd like that, not sure it's quite the corporate fleet the client has in mind though ;) ... Or the Astra bEstate/b type smaller vans. Thanks though. CommentAuthora d a m; CommentTimeJul 12th 2007 edited. Yeah, I didn't really think that would be what you're looking for. Check this (download vector PDF at the bottom of the page): ...
Dabei hat sich die Prime bEstate/b GmbH auf die Umsetzung von Denkmalschutzimmobilien spezialisiert. Hier werden aufgrund der Nachfrage inzwischen bereits Preise wie bei bNeubau/b erzielt. Mussten Mieter in Potsdam 2006 durchschnittlich noch ...
But then I was taken on family vacations to the supposedly shining cities of the American West, and I saw empty lots between buildings, with broken glass glistening amongst the weeds, and plastic six-pack holders, and weeds pushing up ...